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Wednesday 6 January 2010

Actor Resumes, Stephen Lynch and a Side Order of Jam

The fun times I seem to have on random nights in...

So my Producer and I are working on the pre-production of our major project for our final year at Uni which is a film. So we have spent the night looking through actor and actress resumes that have been sent to us from our ad online. We've spent the night reading through them and sorting them and e-mailing back. All the while we've been listening to Stephen Lynch's awesome songs. We spent several hours doing this. We followed this up with a sweet jam with my guitar and his bass. I seem to have some awesome nights when spent in not doing much but keeping busy. Sometimes nights in seem to just be the best. Just chilling out, doing what you feel like, being warm, not having to walk anywhere. I need to do this more often lol. Anyway, that's all I had to say. see ya on the flip side.

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