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Thursday 7 January 2010

Noticing the Lack of Understanding

Now I've been thinking about this topic for the past few days, coining it, rolling it around and just trying to get a grasp of it. And the topic is how we, and by we, I mean you're everyday normal person, lacks an understanding of certain things and therefore cannot admire it for what it really is. What brought this on was a television programme called Inside Nature's Giants which basically takes some of the world's largest animals and dissects them to figure out how they work and why they evolved to be that way. I watched the giraffe episode and was so surprised at how amazing the giraffe had evolved into what it was and how the internal organs worked together. It made me think how I see a giraffe on TV or at the zoo and just think that's quite a cool animal, but while watching the show, i realised I didn't appreciate it as much as I should have.
So this begs the question, why don't we as humans, who are curious by nature, go out and find these sorts of things out so we may admire the world much more than we do. Why do we leave it to the scientists to tell us these things when we have the internet at our fingertips to find all this information.
What we should do is always figure out what we don't know and learn what you can about it. Go to sites that give you random and unnecessary knowledge because you know when it might come in handy, and if it never does...who cares! At least you know it and you can appreciate the world more.

Live it people.

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