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Thursday 10 December 2009

What is normal?

Alright so, I was just filling in the section for my profile and under About Me, I started it off with "I'm just a normal everyday guy". Now I've never described myself as normal. In fact, I'm far from normal and would find it offensive being called normal. Normal is boring, normal is strange and to be honest, normal is scary. If everyone was like the Stepford Wives, then this world would be fucked in more sense than one. Everyone has their own weird little tendencies. Everyone has certain aspects of themselves that are NOT normal to others. And maybe that's what normal is. Just being different and strange and weird to others but not to yourself. I mean of course there's a line. I wouldn't call Ed Gein normal. And I wouldn't call him weird or strange in the sense of what I'm saying is normal. No he was just psychotic beyond humanly possible. But those who don't go around digging up women's corpses or killing women and making belts out of their nipples (which is what Ed Gein did), may be considered normal just for their little differences. I mean as I said, 'normal is strange'. Well if normal is strange and strange is normal then that must mean normal is normal...Yay! We've gone in a full circle. But at least now we have a theory for normality. I'm happy. Are you?

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